About The Author
Danny Smith
Breaking free from the grip of addiction is a journey filled with triumphs and setbacks, a path that Danny embarked on seven years ago despite his tumultuous relationship with alcohol, which began when he was just 18.
Danny's story is one of resilience and unwavering determination. After a 10-month stint in rehab, he embraced the path of sobriety, which he has successfully maintained for the last seven years. Previously, Danny worked in the hospitality industry, but he found himself unable to continue in that field after rehab. During this time, he recognised the opportunity to join UKAT and share the message of addiction recovery with fellow individuals seeking freedom from their chosen substances.

For the past six years, Danny has been a valuable member of UKAT's admissions team, remaining dedicated to his recovery ethos and tirelessly helping fellow addicts on their journey to sobriety.
18 July 2024

Lorazepam addiction Lorazepam, a medication belonging to the benzodiazepine class, is commonly prescribed to treat anxiety disorders, insomnia, and...

18 July 2024

Librium addiction Librium (also known as chlordiazepoxide) holds the promise of calmness yet can quickly become a double-edged sword. As the allure...

18 July 2024

Ketamine Addiction Ketamine’s growing popularity has led to a rise in addiction and related health issues. Some government figures show that almo...

18 July 2024

Diazepam addiction Diazepam, commonly known by its brand name valium, is a prescription medication classified as a benzodiazepine. It is primarily ...

16 July 2024

Crack cocaine addiction Crack is a type of cocaine that can be extremely harmful to both your short and long-term health. It can increase your risk...