Drug addiction

Drug addiction remains a persistent problem, affecting countless people and communities worldwide regardless of economic, social or racial background. Beyond the physical and psychological damage caused, drug addiction can often lead to financial troubles, legal issues, and strained relationships, eroding the life one once knew.

However, amidst these challenges, there is hope for a brighter future. Oasis Bradford stands ready to guide individuals back to a healthier path, providing unwavering support throughout the journey to recovery.


Drug addiction - array of drugs

Understanding the nature of drug addiction

The addictive nature of drugs stems from their impact on the brain’s reward system, particularly the neurotransmitter dopamine. Drugs will artificially alter the brain’s dopamine balance, creating an abnormal positive reward response, leading to intense cravings.

Over time, the brain undergoes neuroadaptations that intensify drug-seeking behaviours, making it increasingly difficult to refrain from drug use. Consequently, the brain becomes dependent on the drugs you’re taking, impairing its ability to produce its own dopamine and resulting in uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms when tapering.

Cannabis button

Cannabis addiction

The most common illegal substance in the UK.

Cannabis addiction →

Cocaine button

Cocaine addiction

A highly potent and dangerous stimulant drug.

Cocaine addiction →

Crack button

Crack addiction

Crack cocaine is the crystal form of cocaine that is smoked.

Crack addiction →

Crystal meth button

Crystal meth addiction

 A potent and highly addictive central nervous system stimulant.

Crystal meth addiction →

Ecstasy button

Ecstasy addiction

Known as a ‘party’ drug, causing temporary enhanced mood and excitement.

Ecstasy addiction →

Heroin button

Heroin addiction

An opioid drug, known for being highly addictive. 

Heroin addiction →

Ketamine button

Ketamine addiction

A ‘party’ drug initially developed as a tranquilliser. Click below to learn more.

Ketamine addiction →

LSD button

LSD addiction

A powerful hallucinogen that can lead to altered perceptions of reality.

LSD addiction →

Spice button

Spice addiction

An artificial substance designed to mimic cannabis’s effects. 

Spice addiction →


Development of drug addiction

Drug addiction development usually progresses through four stages:

  • Experimentation: Initial drug use driven by curiosity or attempts to cope with stress or seek enjoyment.
  • Regular use: Transition from occasional to regular drug use, yet not necessarily indicating addiction.
  • High-risk use: Continued drug use despite negative consequences, engaging in risky behaviours, experiencing cravings, and becoming preoccupied with drug consumption.
  • Addiction and dependency: Dependence on drugs to feel normal, compulsive drug use, and immense difficulty in quitting without professional intervention.

The timeline for addiction development varies, influenced by factors such as the type of drug used, method of consumption and personal circumstances.

Factors influencing drug addiction

Drug addiction has the potential to affect anyone, but certain factors can increase the likelihood of developing an addiction. These factors, encompassing genetics, environment, and physical conditions, often collaborate to steer individuals towards drug abuse and addiction.

Examples of risk factors include:

  • Early drug use: As the brain is still developing during youth, the impact of drugs can be more profound, making drug addiction more probable as you grow older.
  • Abuse or trauma: Past experiences of abuse or trauma can lead to drug abuse as a means to escape reality, thereby increasing the likelihood of addiction.
  • Genetics: Having a family history of drug addiction implies a genetic predisposition, which may raise your susceptibility.
  • Mental health disorders: Individuals with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, or schizophrenia are more prone to developing drug addiction as they may turn to substances for self-medication.

If you or a loved one fall into any of these categories and feel you may have a drug addiction, you would benefit from contacting your doctor, a local healthcare provider, or the Oasis Bradford team.

The dangers of drugs

The dangers of drugs are prevalent and wide-ranging, impacting individuals and families alike. Drug abuse poses significant risks to both your physical and mental well-being, often leading to devastating consequences.

Dangers associated with drugs can include:

    Health Risks
    Drugs can cause severe harm to the body, leading to a range of health issues over time, as they can damage vital organs such as the heart, liver and lungs. Injection drug use also puts you at risk of contracting infectious diseases like HIV and hepatitis.
    One of the most significant dangers of drugs is the potential for drug addiction. Addiction can take over the brain’s reward system, making it incredibly challenging to quit as you gain a compulsive need to seek and use drugs.
    Drug overdoses are a critical concern and can be life-threatening. The potency and unpredictable nature of certain drugs, such as opioids and synthetic substances, increase your risk of an overdose. Overdoses can result in respiratory failure, seizures, coma, and even death.
    Damage to mental health
    Drug use can significantly impact mental health, exacerbating or triggering mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, and psychosis. Drug abuse can also worsen existing mental health conditions, impair judgement, and contribute to the development of new psychiatric disorders.
    Legal consequences
    Engaging in illegal drug activities can result in arrests, imprisonment, and a permanent criminal record.
    Financial strain
    Maintaining your drug habit can be financially devastating. You may spend substantial amounts of money to support your drug use, leading to financial instability, debt, and loss of employment.
    Drug use impairs motor skills, coordination, and judgement, increasing the risk of accidents and injuries.
    Family impact
    Families can experience emotional distress, strained relationships, and financial difficulties.

Understanding the dangers of drugs is crucial for prevention, early intervention, and seeking help to overcome your drug addiction.


Drug addiction - man struggling mentally


What are the signs of drug addiction?

Drug addiction can manifest in various signs and symptoms, which can ultimately vary depending on the drug used and the individual’s unique circumstances.

Here are some common signs of drug addiction:

  • Compulsive drug use
  • Increased tolerance
  • Withdrawal Symptoms, such as tremors, sweating, nausea, anxiety, irritability and insomnia.
  • Neglecting responsibilities
  • Notable changes in physical appearance
  • Extreme mood swings
  • Isolating from friends and family
  • Financial problems
  • Deterioration in health

It’s important to note that the presence of these signs does not definitively indicate drug addiction; however, if you or someone you know exhibits these signs, seeking help from a healthcare professional or drug rehab addiction treatment centre is strongly advised.

How can Oasis Bradford help with your drug addiction?

Various treatment options exist to support individuals in overcoming their drug addiction, and among them, inpatient rehab programmes are widely recognised as popular and effective choices.

At Oasis Bradford, we provide a secure and nurturing environment where individuals can embark on their healing journey, addressing past traumas and acquiring healthier behavioural patterns.

Our comprehensive drug rehab programme incorporates evidence-based therapies complemented by holistic activities like yoga, art therapy, meditation, and supervised drug detox. By addressing both the physical and psychological aspects of addiction, we strive to facilitate a well-rounded recovery process.

Contact us today

We understand the stronghold drug addiction can have on you, but rest assured; we are here to help.

Please contact us today if you identify signs of drug addiction or desire more information. Our compassionate team at Oasis Bradford is dedicated to guiding you through overcoming your drug addiction.

Frequently asked questions

What are the most addictive drugs?
Certain drugs have an exceptionally high potential for addiction, including heroin, crack cocaine, methamphetamine, benzodiazepines, and prescription opioids. These drugs possess strong addictive properties and can rapidly trap individuals in a cycle of drug abuse and dependence. If you suspect you may be struggling with drug addiction to any of these substances, contact the Oasis Bradford admissions team for help.
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